Promotes faster healing of hair-related issues at source
Contains hirudin that promotes microcirculation in scalp
Nourishes hair and scalp
Useful in cases of hair fall
Helps prevent dandruff and fungus
Details: Nature Sure Jonk Oil (Leech Oil) is a natural and effective oil that is beneficial in hair-related problems. Benefits of leech therapy in managing persistent hair problems have been well-documented in Ayurveda, one of the oldest traditional systems that originated in the Indian sub-continent over 5000 years ago. Leech based products have also been popular for haircare in Roman and Egyptian civilizations. Queen of beauty, Cleopatra, is said to use leech therapies for taking care of her hair. Regular use of Jonk Tail (Leech Oil) nourishes scalp and hair shafts and helps prevent loss. With Nature Sure, you get the surety of pure, high-quality ingredients that work to deliver the promised results.